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Club forum

Please see info below on the forum which Andy Doyle has set up for people to share anything they want.


For sales


Interesting things in and outside of archery.

This will allow the WhatsApp group to be kept for announcements and for club members to arrange shooting times/dates, lifts to the club, etc.

There is now a forum for club members where you can chat, discuss all things archery and non-archery or let people know of your achievements. This has be set up so that the WhatsApp group can then be used for just passing out important messages and easier for people looking for others to shoot with.

It’s a web based forum that only Club members can access for the safety of all. In order to access it, go to:

On your first visit you will have to register by pressing the Register button. Enter a username for yourself, and make up a password.

Your registration will be approved, once membership has been confirmed to ensure only club members are joining. Once approved, you can access the forum with your user name and password.

You can then edit your profile to suit you. You can amend your screen name, and set up which notifications you would like to receive and other tweaks you can make to your account.

If you have any difficulties just message Admin/Moderator and they will assist.

Please remember that we have archers of all ages within the Club, so please make your posts suitable for all.


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