As some of you may be aware, the club is hoping to run two coaching days this year, these will be 5th June and 10th July, being full, 8 hour days of coaching and shooting, with a break at lunch. The coach in attendance, will be Trish Lovell, a highly experienced, top class archer and coach.
She will be able to manage 8 archers a day, with a combination of coaching one to one and practice. There will be targets specifically for coaching and targets for subsequent practice.
The cost, once paid, will be non refundable, if the place cannot be filled, being £35 per member, per day, which will need to be paid in advance to secure a place on either day. Payment by BACs, to the club account, with a reference of "coaching". It will be necessary to fill at least one of the days to proceed at the same cost.
I believe this will be a good opportunity for members to receive some professional coaching, not only to identify what they may be doing wrong, but also improve on what they're doing right.
If you'd like to take part, can you please email me to show your genuine interest, confirm you've made the payment and which day you could attend. It will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Dick Bailey.